Luminites sing Bee Gees' 'To Love Somebody' with a twist | Semi-Final 3 | Britain's Got Talent 2013

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MC Boy singing 'I Need You Tonight' | Semi-Final 3 | Britain's Got Talent 2013

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Alex Keirl singing 'First Time Ever I Saw Your Face' | Semi-Final 4 | Britain's Got Talent 2013

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Chasing the Dream perform a song from their musical | Semi-Final 4 | Britain's Got Talent 2013

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Asanda the mini diva singing Beyonce's 'Halo' | Semi-Final 4 | Britain's Got Talent 2013

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Aliki singing 'Come What May' | Semi-Final 5 | Britain's Got Talent 2013

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Jordan O'Keefe singing 'I Will Always Love You' | Semi-Final 5 | Britain's Got Talent 2013

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Asanda singing Beyonce's 'If I Were A Boy' | Final 2013 | Britain's Got Talent 2013

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